
Control PulseAudio mixer with real potentiometers on Linux.

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Installation & Usage

  1. If pip is not installed try sudo apt install pip.
  2. Install Tkinter from terminal. sudo apt install python3-tk
  3. tux_mixer package is available on PyPI. Type pip install tux_mixer.
  4. To start program type tux_mixer to terminal.


  1. Upload StandartFirmata (Examples>Firmata) to your Arduino.
  2. Connect potentiometers starting from A0. A0 controls master volume.
    (There is no limit for number of potentiometers)
  3. Define number of potentiometers from taskbar Change Pot Number (Default is 4)
  4. Set Change Delay. It prevents high CPU usage. Optimal number is between 0.05 and 0.15.
    (Default is 0.1)